Also, as far as cells go, well. They have their own description at least of what they're for, so pretty self-explanatory. What is not self-explanatory, though, is how they are to be distributed. Distribution is a little different each run, but mostly the same. Guluu hadd made a chart for this too, but it's kinda Engrishy. I might make one too sometime.
* Clave gets first of all melee stuff (weapon, armor, STR, etc)
* Rydiah gets first Magic & MND and MP cells
* Kyaru gets first Ranged & CHR and 2nd Magic cells
* Boatsoap, Flame, or Anaentar will get secondary melee cells depending on who will be assisting Clave mainly on the boss. The remainders will cry in the reject party and patiently wait their turn for cells
* Cellfish, as THF, gets 2nd Ranged cell (and 2nd Weapon in Arrapago for TH) is also in the reject bunch for melee cells.
If we are doing a Zhalyom Remnants run in which three people need to be FULLY 100% UNLOCKED, those three who will be named at the start of the run, will lot the first three of every single type of cell regardless of normal priorities in order to be able to get the froggy to pop at one of the later floors.
If you have and are able to use Ventrilo, please do. Makes cell calling a little easier to confirm who has what especially since while on Rydiah, I have to lot for Kyaru as well. D:< And Dun fk around on TTS too much!
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