Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday April 3 -- Arrapago Remnants

We will be doing Arrapago Remnants again this weekend in all likeliness. It'll be mostly a farming run with another attempt at Deviant Bhoot (bstrd) in the process as well as our Qiqirn frens. We will go for the boss if time permit. Will probably be taking NW path first then we'll either do NE or SE (did SE last time).



* Sneak Oils/Prism Powders
* Reraise Items
* Hi-potions
* Food
* Remnant Permit (>:( Do Assaults prior if you suck and don't have enough)
* A not stupid SJ

As you should all know, Arrapago sucks as far as cell drops, so Cellfish will be getting 2nd weapon (Clave is 1st) to be able to use Thief's Knife. The rest of the cells are distributed via common sense :o

1st Floor:
* HP, JA, MA, Back/Waist cells mainly. ]

2nd Floor:

* Qiqirn Astrologer - this mf'r will warp away if it reaches the portal and stays there for a short period of time, so key is to beat the crap out of it before it can do so. THF should try to Steal from it, as they can get a Subjob cell from it. We get a nice shiny chest if we kill him, and cells are oh-so-precious here! Drops 35 Ares Body

3rd Floor:
More monsters to farm cells if need be-- Ranged cell important for Kya if we don't get one from chest so we'll see what we get.
*Qiqirn Treasure Hunter - Our good run-away friend. As you should remember from last week, once we start attacking it and have Dia II on it and such, he'll run away and follow Clave's lead for EVERYONE to stand back against the center northern wall in the next room so he'll run back for us to slaughter. Can Steal a Body cell off it. Drops 35 Morrigan's Body

4th Floor:
Lots of gears and such on this floor that drop SJ and Legs. Also I believe this is the Deviate Bhoot floor in which we'll attempt again. One person will need to be on a dedicated stun duty (Leg Sweep, Hobaku, etc) so he doesn't make mince meat out of us again with Perdition and hopefully kill it. Drops 35 Ares Head.

5th Floor:
Another Qiqirn Astrologer and a Chariot to keel.
Drops 35 Usu pants, 35 Skadi Feet, 35 Marduk Hands

6th Floor:
This is the floor where everything has to be killed in under 7 minutes to which I think we said "Fk it" last time. If successful, two more Qiqirn Treasure Hunters will pop that we can kill and then after that is boss time.

7th Floor:
**Armored Chariot
Special move in additional to normal Chariot moves, is "Mortal Revolution" which unfortunately isn't as fun as Dance Dance Revolution, and it does AoE 300-1000+ damage and adds Stun for ~3-5 seconds. Take up 1-3 shadows, so /NIN is nice. Armored chariot has fairly low Accuracy and should be a fairly easy fight (jinx) save for the annoying spinnyness. Of course this is all pending whether we even go for the boss :P We'll see.
Drops 25 Marduk Body & Head, 25 Morrigan Feet, 25 Ares Feet, 25 Usu Hands, and 25 Skadi Pants.

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