Zhayolm Remnants
Yanno. Where three people have to be fully unlocked.
And with all the frogs and stuff.
And where half the mobs are duds and don't drop cells at all....
Yanno. Where three people have to be fully unlocked.
And with all the frogs and stuff.
And where half the mobs are duds and don't drop cells at all....

Second Floor: We kill everything in the wing we pop in. The three designated members to be "fully unlocked" (Clave, Kyarutaru, and someone else) will have priority on all cells. After all the lizards are dead, a Mamool Ja will pop and we promptly slaughter him. Afterwards we can pop a Poroggo by trading it a cell (of a type we need the most so we get double the amount once we squish the frog!)
Regarding the Poroggo Madame fight: Mages will have to stay at max casting range to avoid being charmed and MUST keep a DoT on it so it doesn't regen.

Poroggo Abilities:
Use all standard and NM Poroggo abilities including:
Use all standard and NM Poroggo abilities including:
- Water Bomb - AOE water damage and Silencega
- Ancient Magic and Tier III -aga spells.
- Providence followed immediately by an AoE Enfeebling Magic or Elemental Magic spell (Breakga, Bindga, Blindga, Sleepga II, Firaga III etc, which can wipe parties.) or single-target Death.
- AoE Frog Chorus (Charm + Frog Transformation) on nearby alliance members (20' distance from Madame) Often the end of the charm effect is accompanied by an AOE magic spell like those listed above.

Third Floor: We will be farming the south path for cells, but zoning up on the north side. If we are going for the 15 Usu piece for Flame, then we will need to rush up to the next floor while our time is under 30 minutes in. If not (which will be most times), then we will be clearing the west wing to fully unlock the Chosen Three and to pop to west wing Frog. Frog doesn't drop anything, but counts towards the NM count in order to pop the 6th floor Madame. Then, we'll zone up North!

- Defeat First Rampart if you entered on Firesday or Earthsday.
- Defeat Second Rampart if you entered on Watersday or Windsday.
- Defeat Third Rampart if you entered on Iceday or Lightningday.
- Defeat Fourth Rampart if you entered on Lightsday or Darksday

Fifth Floor: This is my NM floor with my 35 Marduk body droppin' froggie so long as the Chosen Three are fully unlocked. The Poroggo Madame will be in the middle room south of a room fullll of gears. And well, we don't wanna waste time with gears, so that means we get to kill Cellfish! He'll gather up alll the gears and flee his little taru butt west then south towards the portal and die. The rest of us will busy ourselves killing the Madame and once it's dead, Cell will take us up.

Sixth Floor: If the frog is up, we kill it. After that we have to clear out allll the gears which will pop after the Chariot is aggroed. Cellfish will sac the Chariot with Perfect Dodge and head to one of the little inlets around the room and die as we love to see him do. After all the gears and Chariot are killed, we zone up and go for the boss. 2-houring the Chariot has been suggested since the Chariot can be more of a hassle than the boss and it will help save time.
Boss: This boss has a move called Discoid which is kind of like a 4400 needles attack. It's also AoE attack centered around the person targetted out to a distance of 10' , so a good strategy is to stand exactly 9' from the tanks at about a 30 degree angle. The angle ensures that everyone doesn't get hit with conal AoE normal moves the boss does (Discharge, Inertia Stream), but that everyone is still in range for Discoid (which is magic based, so Shell helps reduce damage). So the non-tanks wanna get hit by Discoid, but not by Discharge and Inertia Stream and the like.
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