Yay! Thanks to the update, drop rates were increased here, so time to hop to it (prolly along with every other damn Salvage LS out there)
Link to strategy: http://homingmissile.wowultra.com/forum18/245.html
Information: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Silver_Sea_Remnants
The path we'll be taking is Hammerblow > Dekka > Gyroscopic Gear/Gears > Citadel Chelonian, and then boss if we have time, though prolly not.
Floor 1:

Heading West killing fomors for cells for a bit, then for Hammerblow, there are 7 Fomors that link in a room. I'll need to ask Clave for clarification.
Hammerblow drops: 35 Usukane Head
Floor 2:

Impy time.
- The SW and NE paths are similar in difficulty (easiest of the four paths).
- After opening one of the doors (SE, NW, NE, SW) the rest of the doors become sealed and unpassable.
- Fomors link to imps and imps link to fomors, but fomors will not link with other fomors and imps will not link with other imps.
- Ashu Talif Crew on this floor drop 3-4 cells each at random.
- Heraldic Imps and Devilets on this floor drop 4 cells in pairs (six possible types: HP, sub job, ablities, weapon, magic, body).
NW -- The door to the teleport is locked and Deadpan Devilet must be killed to unlock it.
- Deadpan Devilet NM. Drops 10 cells (four types: HP, sub job, abilities, weapons), two each of two types, and three each of the other two types.
- Dekka Imp NM always drops Njord's Ledelsens; can drop Enlil's Crackows.
- Pops after the Deadpan Devilet is killed at the north end of the room, opposite of the Deadpan Devilet's starting location.
Floor 3:

We'll appear in the NW area since we will have killed Dekka and we'll be killing 8 gears and that batshit crazy Imp that hauls ass all over the room.
When all the gears are dead, Gyroscopic Gear will pop and we gotta kill that.
Drops: 35 Skadi Hands
Then we gotta head to the East room to beat up on Gyroscopic Gears. (triple gears!) Cell might be able to die here, but idk. We all hope so.
Drops: 35 Ares Legs
Floor 4:

Cell gets to die here, which is pretty cool. He gets to train a bunch of gears and inevitably faceplant while the rest of us obliterate a bunch of ramparts, sleeping any pet spawns and such and hopefully not die.
Once the 4 ramparts are dead a 5th will spawn which we CANNOT TOUCH. If left alone, Citadel Chantelon will spawn, which is our next target, and we'll pull it and destroy it!
Drops: 35 Usukane Body
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